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Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.
Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.
Our team of volunteers knows the importance of sharing the joy and companionship of their pets with those in need. They visit various institutes and settings with our Therapy Dogs with the purpose of spreading joy and bringing about smiles on people’s faces. These visits come under the category of Animal Assisted Activity, which are not goal oriented or documented. We visit places like orphanages, old age homes, pediatric Cancer Centers, nursery schools, libraries etc.
Innovative ways of learning with pets were discovered at the Academy of Learning and Development when they had a unique therapist visit the children every week. Therapy dog Pepe, one of our senior therapy dog along with our team of therapists visited the children every week to provide them Animal Assisted Therapy. Her job at the center was to work with the children with various disabilities like CP, Autism, mental retardation and provide them sensory and mental stimulation. With such enthusiasm and motivation provided by Therapy Dog Pepe, the children who were hyperactive learned to calm down, the ones who had difficulty in walking too their first steps, the once who had flat affect actually smiled! The presence of Therapy dog Pepe had truly transformed their lives. (watch video here) The Academy of Learning and Development was established by Mr Ajinkya Deo and Mrs. Arti Deo runs on is the belief that stimulating the brain with increased intensity, frequency and duration will help the child move towards achieving his or her fullest potential. They attempt to address the root cause of a disability (i.e. the brain injury) rather than the symptoms.
Animal Assisted Therapy fit in perfectly with this principle. With the therapy dog Pepe (Golden Retriever) being a package providing sensory and metal stimulation, the child gets to experience various sensations and also an opportunity to exercise his abilities.