The Orchid School, located at Baner, Pune was started by Pradnya Niketan Education Society is a co-educational and inclusive school. The school has a Resource Room for children with special needs. The school has a very open environment where the child can flourish.
Animal Assisted Therapy is conducted for a section of the special need children from the resource room. We work with children with Downs Syndrome, Autism, mental retardation, speech impairment and physical disability.
Therapy dog Mimi visits the school every Thursday morning along with her owners Mr. Bhattacharya. Animal Therapist Minal Kavishwar conducts the therapy sessions along with volunteer Shonita Joshi who assists her in documentation.
The session is also attended by special educators Radharani and Madhuri Gokhale of the Resource Room. They have seen tremendous progress in the children since Mimi has started visiting. Radharani say that it she was moved when she saw how Therapy Mimi had helped them to get a breakthrough with some children with whom she have been working for over 2 years without any significant change.
The Orchid School, Baner Road, Pune
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